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Fighting Covid-19 with your Immune System!

Fighting Covid-19 with your Immune System!
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What do you choose?
I choose to boost my Immune system to fight
Through his story Viktor Frankl tells his experiences as a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps during World War II, He describes his psychotherapeutic method, which involved identifying a purpose in life to feel positive about, and then immersively imagining that outcome. This book is a huge inspiration to me. I hope you might enjoy it as well. There are lots of ways to look at what's going on in the world right now. I choose to look at it in the most positive way I can. We cannot control Covid-19 but we can control our own well being and health. I choose health. I might still get sick but I know that I tried to give myself the best chance for a positive outcome.
Use Zinc to boost up your Immune System.
Everyone needs Zinc Therapy!
We can try to kill every microbe out there but it's literally impossible. Something that we can do is boost our immune system. Zinc is an essential trace mineral for human health. Every person needs it! Not only does it support a healthy metabolism and immune system, but it's also a potent antioxidant. Read up on this...don't just take my word for it.
Every week I have been doing a Giveaway. Stay tuned to my Instagram to enter to win. I am always looking for first responders, essential workers, or people who really need a pick me up..If you have someone in mind send me a message. These little beauties will be my Giveaway for this week. These are 14kt organic disc stud earrings. Retail price is $600!
Brand New Designs for Summer!
Goddess of the Sea
She is RAD.
The first of my Goddess Coin series.

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